★1708EV | Pleiades Night

Partial translation. Continuing on existing translation; from Naming a Star 4 to Epilogue.


Written by: Akira
Timeline: Summer

Proofread by nova (@revoltrad_).

Naming a Star / 4

> Secret Study


Subaru: “Nn~… So our inadequacy weighs Anzu down too. I feel sorry about that.”

Tsumugi: "Fufu. But I’m sure it’s quite a dilemma, since she must feel just as happy to be counted on.

Neither of you can cut off the ties between you anymore, so all you can do is resolve yourselves to dash straight for the goal.

We can’t do much more than cheer for you, but do your best, Trickstar…

And if possible win, with a smile, and reach your happy ending.

The future exists for you."

Natsume: “…Going on like you’re not involvED. That’s your bad habiT, you knOW, Senpai?”


Tsumugi: “Wah, I’m sorry, Natsume-kun. Did I wake you with all my talking?”

Natsume: "Nn… More than that, I don’t like the fact that I fell asleep in the first plaCE.

It seems I still have a long way to gO. My Nii-sans – the other Oddballs – would have avoided showing their weak side whatever the cosT."

Subaru: “You’re feeling weak, Natsume? Are you okay?”

Natsume: “I’m finE. Who do you think you’re talking tO? Are you sure you have the leisure to worry about other peopLE, Baru-kun?”

Tsumugi: "Oh, don’t be so stubborn now… Let’s learn to be more open to others’ help when things get rough, okay?

Fortunately – well, since it was bedtime for you, you probably didn’t hear, Natsume-kun… but Anzu-chan proposed an interesting idea for us just a while ago."

Natsume: “An ideA? The little kitten dID?”

Tsumugi: "Yes. She assigned us Switch with a job: the Star Spirit Festival.

I haven’t had the chance to ask the details yet, but it will likely be a joint live with Trickstar.

I’m thinking we should consent if you’ll join with us, Natsume-kun."

Natsume: “No, as I said, I’m busY. Just go with the two of yOU, Senpai. This will probably be more common as time passES, so get used to not having me aroUND.”

Sora: “No! Shisho has to be there too~”


Natsume: "Don’t be selfiSH, Sora. What can you or I do about thIS? This is part of a huge wave that we can’t stand up individually againST…

Even if you don’t want iT, or feel loneLY – we need to act separately, on our oWN."

Sora: “No means no! It’s not Switch without Shisho!”

Natsume: “What’s wrong with yoU…? You would usually listen to mE. Please, just be a good bOY.”

(AhH… This feels so familiar somehOW.

I wonder if I looked like this to my nii-sans back theN.

A boy whining that he was lonely, that he didn’t want thIS, and kicking a tantrum despite his powerlessness over the situatiON.

Am I going to repeat that sad conclusiON, that tragedY? I thought I’ve matured and grown stronger even just a little since thEN.)

Sora: “Shisho…?”

Natsume: "…I changed my miND. Let’s hear out the details first – about that Star Spirit Festival, or whatever it’s callED.

Since the little kitten seems to be producing iT, I’m sure she didn’t just approach us Switch because we looked boRED.

I say she probably has a hidden agendA. Fufu, this will be quite interestiNG."

Subaru: “Hurray! Then let’s gather after school! I’ll tell everyone else in Trickstar!”

Natsume: “Ah, sorRY; make it lunch break if you caN. I have work in the afternoon todAY, and it’ll likely be night and not after school anymore when I’m baCK.”

Subaru: “Uhaa, you really seem swamped with work, huh… Natsume?”

Natsume: "As I’ve been saying the whole tiME. But using my busyness as an excuse to push away a child who adores me would be sinful, I knoW…

I don’t want to weep over it in the distant futuRE, so I’ll struggle to my best ability right noW."

Tsumugi: “Yes. I’m sure that’s best, Natsume-kun. That’s how everyone grows and matures. Fufufu♪”

Natsume: “…(hits the back of Tsumugi’s head).”

Tsumugi: “Ugyaa! Wai—why did you hit me!?”

Natsume: “…Nothing muCH; I just got annoyEd.”

Tsumugi: “Uuukh! No one will take you as a bride if you’re so violent! I’m worried about your future, Natsume-kun!”

Natsume: "The chance of me becoming a bride is close to zeRO, so you can stop worryING.

I still don’t know if I’m going to be an idol, a fortune teller, or something else entireLY.

But maybe I can work myself to the bonE, in order to draw a better future closER.

Using magic for personal gain is a tabOO, but this is a do-or-die that will change the very direction of my lifE… I’ll make an exceptION.

To remove a gloomy story from its traCK, let me cast a little bit of magic on myseLF."

Naming a Star / 5

> Underground Archives


Subaru: "It’s afterschool!

Ooi, Blue-senpai, Yellow Kid! I brought everyone from Trickstar!

There’s not much time until the Star Spirit Festival, so let’s do our best together for the lessons☆"

Hokuto: “Wa–wait, Akehoshi. Stop pulling; are you my undisciplined pet dog or something?”


Makoto: “Ahaha. I’m already pretty used to this stuff, though… Do you keep a dog anyway, Hidaka-kun? Since you’re comparing.”

Hokuto: "I got curious since Akehoshi seems to have fun keeping one – so I’ve taken Daikichi-kun on a walk when this guy had to go for individual work.

Daikichi-kun wouldn’t listen to me at all. It was exhausting."

Subaru: "Daikichi’s surprisingly not very open to people. And you’re forceful, Hokke; you must’ve pulled on his leash against his will, right?

You need to like, let nature take care of it, and treat him with more love…☆"


Mao: “The pretend-deep chat is nice and all, but we’re kinda inside a library now, so don’t be so loud, yeah guys?”

Tsumugi: "Ah, don’t worry about that~ This place was made soundproof, and it isn’t open for business, so you won’t be bothering other people.

Anyway, everyone – welcome to the Secret Underground Archives. Recently, we’ve had so many guests come by that ‘secret’ doesn’t seem to suit anymore, though.

Would you like tea? Sora-kuun, can you bring over the snacks I prepared?"


Sora: “<HaHa~♪> Senpai and Shisho made up, so Sora will properly do as told!”

Tsumugi: “Did we really make up, I wonder…? But if Sora-kun says so, it must be true.”

Mao: "Umm, you shouldn’t be chilling out, Aoba-senpai… Sorry, but can I ask you to fill these documents?

Since Anzu got the proposal approved, the Star Spirit Festival became an official DreamFest. There’s a bunch of miscellaneous things to take care of before we can participate.

By the way, official DreamFests need student council members to supervise them, but this time I’ll be both a participant and the stuco supervisor, so…

Frankly speaking, we can go pretty free with the program.

There’s not much time until the Star Spirit Festival, so let’s get the program and other planning done with so we can move onto the other hurdles… Wait, huh? Where’s our key person, Sakasaki?"

Tsumugi: "Natsume-kun is still at work.

Nn~ Please give me the forms. There’s limit to what we can do without a leader, but I’ll start by filling what we can answer on our own."

Mao: "Ah, right. The leader of Switch isn’t the third-year Aoba-senpai.

Even looking at the units in whole, it’s rare for an underclassman to be the one at the top and leading."

Tsumugi: "Isn’t it~? But I do think that seniority shouldn’t matter when it comes to leadership, and the one with the right attributes should take the role.

And I’m not the type who can bring a group together and pull them forward, either."

Hokuto: “…In the old fine, you seemed like their representative, Aoba-senpai.”

Tsumugi: "Ah~ I was in charge of middle management, more like. Acting as a pipe to connect top and bottom with left and right? That’s what a leader amounts to, in the end.

But with Yumenosaki’s unit system, the leaders are granted quite huge rights, and burdened with as heavy responsibilities to even it out.

So it does sort of make them feel more like kings governing their own small nations.

But it’s probably better to think of leaders as more like coordinators, in charge of smoothing out the human relations."

Hokuto: “…I see. I learned a lot; so there’s that way of seeing things.”

Sora: “Yuuki-sensee[1], play against Sora! Pretty please~♪”

Makoto: “No, we came to have lessons, so let’s leave the gaming for later… But I’ve been meaning to ask, why do you attach ‘sensei’ to my name, Harukawa-kun?”

Sora: "<HiHi~♪> Because Yuuki-sensee is the high score expert! In the memory cards left behind in the Game Club, there are quite a few records Sora still can’t reach~

Sora really respects you!"

Makoto: "Thank you~ I’m often told that scores aren’t everything there is to games,

But when games give you scores, of course you’d want to aim for the highest, right? It’s really easy to understand too."

Tsumugi: "Fufu. That’s why Eichi-kun and the rest created the DreamFest system. They set it up so victory and defeat would be easy to understand, by assigning scores.

Without that being made clear, the conditions of victory would become vague…

…which gives people little reason to try harder. So showing hard scores is effective in preventing that."

Subaru: “I don’t like them too much though; numbers.”

Tsumugi: "Because numbers can seem heartless and cold, I suppose. But that’s why numbers have their benefits. It may still be hard to understand for you guys.

Eichi-kun discovered numbers – currency – and introduced them. And we still use them even now, living in the society he built.

That’s an amazing thing. Everyone needs to be more grateful to Eichi-kun."

Naming a Star / 6

Subaru: "Of course, I totally respect Eichi-senpai.

But anyway, Blue-senpai, so I guess you’re… pretty close friends with him, after all? Since you did say you’re ex-fine~?"

Tsumugi: "We’ve been standoffish lately. But just because of that, I won’t speak badly of him like we’re strangers or even less.

Akehoshi-kun, I’m sure that even if in the distant future you and the rest of Trickstar go on separate ways… you won’t want people to speak badly of the dream you’re currently chasing together, either?

Even if we’re no longer friends, even if the parting had been sorrowful… that dream we saw together in that distant past continues to shine like a star to the present."

Subaru: “Nn~ I don’t really wanna think about us going on separate ways, though.”

Tsumugi: "Ahaha, you guys will probably be fine. Not that I have any basis for that.

Let’s leave that aside for now; we should change and start the lessons instead of chatting idly. Oh, suddenly I’m talking like I’m in charge… I’m sorry.

Officially, Trickstar as an SS qualifier should be above us in rank, so can you guys take charge?"

Hokuto: "No, even if Switch doesn’t leave much track record in the public eye, I believe we’re on equal footing in terms of skills. As the most senior member, I’d appreciate if you’ll take lead, Aoba-senpai.

Switch is the main role this time around, while us Trickstar are the extra. Or more like, we’re only helping out because some aspects of this concern us.

As the class rep, I wish to help my classmate through hard times. And we’re secretly hoping to get a TV-related job through our connection with Sakasaki."

Subaru: "Yup, 'cuz we’ve got an overriding necessity to be raising our name right now!

Well, though we’re planning to savor the main role if we catch you unmotivated or unguarded! Ahaha☆"

Tsumugi: "There you go, saying things you don’t even mean. You’re such good children, really… Well, frankly, we’re still in the middle of waiting for Natsume-kun’s reply.

We discussed it over during lunch break, and decided that Switch would participate in the Star Spirit Festival.

But we still don’t know if Natsume-kun is included in that.

I’m sure you’re aware, but that child is very busy right now."

Sora: “Mmu~? Shisho absolutely has to join us!”

Tsumugi: "You don’t get to decide that, Sora-kun.

But then again, if that’s your wish, Natsume-kun will probably grant it for you. He’s a stubborn boy, but also… kind, for the most part."

> The Fortune Telling Show’s Stage Set


Natsume: "…Nn~ I sense an unpleasant discussion being held at a place unknown to mE, and it’s quite vexing that I can’t be there to objeCT, honestLY.

I set up some tapping devices in the pAST, but they were taken off from the Underground Archives and my Secret Study because Sora took notiCE.

It feels awkwaRD, not knowing what’s happening over theRE.

So, Little Kitten… Can you casually probe what’s going on there and report to mE? That’s why I asked you to accompany mE, to be my contact persON.

Also, it may be crude to suggest this like an afterthouGHT, but you should see for yourself what a TV studio is like and how it worKS. Relying solely on reading is not good at aLL – you need to go out there and absorb some experiencE.

I’m sure it’s a refreshing sight, tOO? Yumenosaki Academy had a bad reputation in this type of workplace until last yeAR…

TV studios especially hated uS, so we don’t get much chance to appear on screEN.

But there’s constant shift of crew in this line of occupatiON, and they’re gathering more people of a newer generation that has no clue on the errors of our Yumenosaki predecessORS…

The situation is being mendED, albeit slowlY.

Time is the best healER. But it takes very long for the effects to shOW, so if things are that awfUL, we should try every technique on hand, surgical or medicAL.


…What’s wroNG, Little Kitten? You’re stariNG.

Have you fallen for me, by any chanCE? Oh deaR, I don’t believe I’ve cast a charm spell on yOU…

What do I dO? Baru-kun and the others will get angry at mE♪

Ahaha, I’m kiddiNG. Don’t pull my hair, noW; I can’t have it ruined before the shOW.

…You’re worried about me, I take iT. Cheeky little kitten~ When you shouldn’t have the leisure to be worrying over people’s probleMS.

Well, admittedLY, I’ve been rather pathetic lateLY.

This sense of impatience must mean I’m still immatuRE…

I’ve become a second yeAR, the same age as my Oddball nii-sans were when I first met thEM.

Hnn? Ah yeah, Rei-nii-san is repeating a gradE, so not exactly the same age, I guESS.

But he’s been a superstar since he was littLE; he’s an outlier no one may stand equal tO.

To begin wiTH… I’m not sure if I have talent like the rest of the Five Oddballs.

Since I was grouped together with thEM, it’s easy to misunderstand myself as the same type of living being as thEM.

But I feel a constant sense of inferioriTY. Loong aGO, Wataru-nii-san said something like this, didn’t hE—

That I was a normal, good chiLD; one with the misfortune of getting loST, who they had to shelter as a resuLT.

He didn’t have to tell mE. I know thAT. I was just there to make the numbers add uP; I lack too many things to be compared to thEM.

Those people are kiND, so they looked after the lost child and loved hIM…

But the Five Oddballs were subjugated, leaving only burnt fielDS, and I was cast asiDE."

Naming a Star / 7

Natsume: "What should I dO? Hey, Producer… Should I live out the rest of my life only looking back to glories of the paST, to dreAMS?

Loathing fine who made a bloodbath out of my beloved nii-sans, I had thought of getting my vengeanCE.

But the other Five Oddballs consented to being subjugatED, affirming the current preseNT.

Plus, Tsumugi-nii-sa… Senpai and his friends weren’t cruel, inhuman villaiNS. They’re humans whose veins run with blood the same color as miNE, crying and laughing and living with all their miGHT.

Lashing out on them now will change nothiNG. I’ll only be hurting people for no reaSoN, and become less than a normal, good bOY. It’ll reduce me to a silly, bad bOY.

But… what am I supposed to do thEN?

I ran out of time deliberatiNG, and started walking down the path of a fortune tellER. Many people out there can’t even grant their one dream in their lifetimE…

So the fact is that I’m blessED.

It’s so funNY, Little Kitten. I have regreTS.

I know it in my heAD, that life isn’t so easy that we can keep walking while having everythiNG – and I definitely don’t have the talent nor the capacity for thAT.

I’ve granted my dream and I’ll probably succeED. I’ve worked hard for thAT. I should be proud of my achievemENt, yet all I feel is frustratiON.

I thought I was a more deft type of guY.

…Nnn, Little Kitten? Why are you hugging mE?

Stop it, okAY? The TV crews are giving us this smiling gazE… And we’ll get into a mess on the unlikely chance we get filmed and broadcasT.

What’s wroNG, are you consoling mE? But because you couldn’t find the good words, you decided to just hug mE?

Some may get the wrong idea if you do that to thEM, so keep it in moderation, okAY?

I was just ventiNG, so I don’t expect you to come up with a real solutiON. And it’s a load off just having you listEN…

So don’t look so sorRY.

Revealing your worries to another person can ease it up, after aLL. That’s originally the role of fortune-telleRS. Don’t steal my job away nOW, Little Kitten.

I’m finE. It’s kind of a tabOO, but it is possible for me to tell my own fortune and help myseLF.

‘I have two dreams, and I’m unsure which one to pursue~’… Even I think that’s a luxurious worry to havE.

Someday, you may come to face with the same worRY.

You’re both a producer and a single giRL, but these two identities seem to be growing to split you in halF.

When you are pushed to make that fearsome choiCE, there’s no telling if I could be by your side thEN…

So I’ll tell you now – what I’ve read of your futuRE.

Your life is your own. Don't ever let others make your choice or decide your fate for you.

Even if it's wrong, foolish, something you may regret one day -- follow your own heart.

As long as it was the path you've chosen for yourself, surely you'll keep walking, without wanting to throw it away or blaming it on someone else.

It's your life; keep moving forward and don't look back.

In other words, think for yourself. If you can't see in front of you, you can consult me.

I can clear the fog away and open your eyes for you.

But... in the end, you're the only one who can decide which path to take, and walk it with those two legs.

…Then I’ll see you latER. We’re going to start rehearsing for the shOW, so take a step baCK, Little Kitten.

There’s a costume I need to wear for the real shoOT, so can you do the check for mE?

Of course the studio has its own styliST, but just to be suRE.

I’m counting on yOU. Don’t leave your fur all over the costume just because you’re a little kitten, okAY?

Ahaha. ‘I’m not a cat’? Of course I knOW, Anzu-chan.

Fortune-tellers and idols bestow dreams and illusioNS, but they also keep their sight on realiTY.

That’s why they know how to manipulate iT. And that’s the sort of magician I aM."

(…Well thEN. This is where things will get real buSY.

I came to the location earlier to discuss things with the TV creWS, asked Mommy to help pave the paTH… and managed to set it up so I’ll be able to do what I want, somehOW.

I’ll make the most out of the Star Spirit FestivAL, to erase some of these worries and gloOM.

I wonder if it’ll all go well this tiME. Ahh, the future is always so uncertain and fearsoME. Even with fortune telling and forecasTS, there’ll always be a murky whirlpool of darkness concealing iT.

Even sO, why don’t I show that I can find the star named Hope insidE.)

Naming a Star / 8

> Star Spirit Festival Stage

Sora: “Uwaah, it’s a star-studded sky~…☆”


Tsumugi: "You use complicated words sometimes, Sora-kun. You’re probably just repeating what you heard from someone else as it is, though.

But it is pretty. I feel my heart being soothed~ Tasteful indeed♪

The weather was looking unstable so I was worried, but I’m relieved that we can seem to hold the Star Spirit Festival in peace. This place will be a practical hell if it rains.

After all, the Star Spirit Festival is about observing celestial bodies while enjoying an idol live show.

If it had started raining, we would be like missing the point of it."


Natsume: "That’s needless worRY. Do you think I can’t predict the weathER?

Observing the movement of stars and celestial bodiES… in other words, the flow of nature, to then record and analyze them is the foundation of everythiNG.

They’re essential in agriculture and stock farmiNG. In the old times, magic and science were highly prized for their use in those fielDS, thus developed into what they are currentLY.

Observing the frequency of river flood and the changing of seasons led us to be able meddle with them to some exteNT… and that’s how human civilization has advanced to this dAY.

Weather forecast is among the highest accuracy forecasTS.

It’s magic by the name of modern scienCE; if I can utilize it to perfectiON, reading the climate and weather is a piece of caKE."

Sora: “Shisho…♪”

Natsume: “Wow. Don’t hug mE, Sora. This time of the year is too hot for us to snuggle uP.”

Tsumugi: “Ahaha. Since Natsume-kun has been acting separately lately, I’m sure Sora-kun was lonely. Don’t go so far anymore, okay?”

Natsume: “It’s your role to look after Sora while I’m awAY, Senpai. At least make yourself useful for that muCH; if Sora was lonely then you’re the one responsibLE.”

Sora: “Now now, please don’t start fighting~? Look, let’s all be friends and hold hands! Now the world is peaceful~ <HaHiHuHeHo~♪>”

Natsume: “They do say if the entire humanity were to hold hanDS, we can possibly encircle the earTH. The ideals you see are unrealistic yet so precioUS. There there, you good bOY♪”

Sora: “Yay! Is Sora a good boy? Then Sora’s happy~♪”

Tsumugi: “Fufu. How heartwarming.”

Natsume: "Stop relaxing and put some spirit to iT, Senpai… Thanks to me advertising the event on my TV shOW, we have a whole lot of audience coming to the Star Spirit FestivAL.

Show them something pathetic and the shame will stick with you forevER."

Tsumugi: "Don’t worry, I’m the type of child who pulls through where it counts, okay? I’m more worried for you, Natsume-kun, since you were too busy with work to have enough practice.

Let’s rehearse as much as we can before the show, and harmonize our breathings."

Natsume: “I knOW. But we don’t only need Switch for thAT… This is a joint live, riGHT? What’s Trickstar doiNG?”

Tsumugi: "Apparently, work suddenly came up for them on another place, so they will come here right before the show.

‘Sorry if we’re late. Just start ahead of us if we don’t get here in time~’ was the message they passed."

Natsume: “Huh… So those guys really are buSY.”

Tsumugi: "Yes. Despite that, they’re taking the time to deal with us, so we should be grateful.

I’m so relieved~ You’re a strange child, Natsume-kun, so I thought you’d definitely be excluded from kids your age,

But you actually have friends who would treat you warmly…♪"

Natsume: “…”

Tsumugi: "…Whoops! I can tell, Natsume-kun – you must be meaning to punch me, annoyed by my words!

But I’ve learned! I will dodge properly now! Hehe♪"

Natsume: "I’m not going to punch yOU. I was a little touched, actualLY.

The Five Oddballs were subjugated and destroyED. So that means I can make friends like the rest of the normal kids, hUH?"

Tsumugi: "Of course. This isn’t something I should say, but those sad times of blood for blood have ended. Since you’ve survived, you can live on happily.

Because humans, whoever they are, are living in order to become happy."

Natsume: “…(punches Tsumugi in the gut)”

Tsumugi: “Hagya!? Eh!? Why did you punch me just now? I’m pretty sure I said something great…!”

Natsume: "I made it so you couldn’t dodGE, by altering the timing of my punCH.

They do say that rather than doing it rhythmicalLY, torture is more effective if you make it so the person doesn’t know when pain would attaCK."

Tsumugi: “I-I’m not happy that you’d torture your comrade and beloved senpai like that~ Gee, Natsume-kun, you’re such a tsundere!”

Natsume: “…(locks Tsumugi’s elbow)”

Tsumugi: “Gyaa! A new technique now!? Ouch-ouch-ouch–I give, I give, I give! Please save me, Sora-kun…!”

Sora: "<HaHa~♪> Senpai and Shisho are always such good friends~

We’re finally back to the usual Switch☆"

Tsumugi: "Ahaha. This may be the last time we can be ‘our usual selves’.

Natsume-kun has taken a hiatus from idol work, to master the path of a fortune teller.

I’m surprised actually, that you’d join us for the Star Spirit Festival.

I was a little worried, thinking we may have to get through this with just me and Sora-kun, you know~?"

Naming a Star / 9

Natsume: "…Honestly, I’m still loST. If I think about it realisticalLY, of course I should invest in the more profitable projeCT.

Especially since my presence has turned into a hindrance for Switch."

Tsumugi: "Aah, you mean with the strange guests who jumped to the stage…

But you haven’t done anything wrong, Natsume-kun, so don’t let it bother you too much."

Natsume: "No, it is my fauLT. I should’ve been able to forecast iT, but I let go of thought, using my busyness as a shieLD. Despite being Switch’s leader, tOO.

I can’t just be a blind follower completely dependent on someone else anymoRE. I’ve gained the need to have a bird-eye’s view on everythiNG, to control and manage what’s under mE.

Yet I failED; I still am immature, I guESS.

But I also thiNK, that I shouldn’t give up after just one failuRE.

The history of magic is a history of failurES. Miracles should be bestowed only to those who have devoted their everything to study without giving uP.

I thought I should just disappeAR, if I was going to be a bother to all of yOU.

But I already know that pushing someone away thinking it would be for their good is cruelTY.

I’ll shoulder the burden tOO, as a member of Switch. I won’t run away and let myself be carried to the easier directiON; I’m not going to leave you two behiND."

Tsumugi: “…If you can be happy somewhere far away, that will be enough to satisfy me, you know?”

Natsume: "I didn’t ask yoU, Senpai. Sora was lonely and sad, wasn’t hE… If my choice would make this boy crY, then it was definitely mistakEN.

No – I don’t think I can forgive myself for making such choiCE.

I’ll definitely choose the path I won’t regrET.

Let’s sinG, atop the same stage agaiN…

Pick up the fallen pebbles flicked off from the huge curreNT, hold them high up to the sKY, and turn them into beautiful staRS.

We may be like persecuted witchES, unable to conform to orthodoxY. But that’s exactly why we can become stars of hoPE, that guide others like us throughout the worLD.

And at the place we ran away tO, let’s shine like the beautiful stars of Pleiades.

…Will you two follow behind mE?"

Tsumugi: “Of course. I may not have much worth, but you can use me as you see fit.”

Sora: “Sora, too! Sora will be with Shisho anywhere and anytime~♪”

Tsumugi: "…I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, but why is Sora-kun so attached to Natsume-kun, I wonder?

When he’s so bratty with no aspect to his awful personality that should be able to attract younger kids~♪"

Natsume:You're dead.

Tsumugi: “Eek!? I’m joking, it’s a joke! You’re a <Lovely ☆ Idol> loved by everyone, Natsume-kun!”

Natsume: "…I don’t really understand this boy, eithER. I think he simply took a liking to me because I was nice to hIM.

I’ve ran into Sora often since we were both littLE, and we’ve had trivial talk each tiME.

He stood out from the surroundinGS, so I approached him out of intereST. We didn’t introduce ourselves thEN, but we did have some ties and he piqued my curiosiTY.

For a timE, I thought he was really some fairy or alieN.

Meeting him once more in high schoOL, I felt an affinity at the way he stood out from the croWD… I thought, Ah, this boy is ‘me’.

And I thought that I must love hIM. No – maybe he casted such spell on mE."

Sora: “Nn? Sora still can’t use magic that well~”

Natsume: "Fufufu. Magic that overflows out of a person unaware of it is dangeroUS. That’s why I’m teaching you how to control iT.

You were born ‘special’ – so make the best use of that talent without letting it die oUT.

If you managE, you’ll surely find the future shines even brighter than nOW."

Subaru: “Natsume☆”


Natsume: “…Baru-kun. Why does everyone just come hugging mE? It’s so stifling, realLY.”

Subaru: “Because Natsume always smells so good! Right~?♪”

Sora: “Right~♪”

Natsume: “You two have gotten friendly without my knowledge, hUH… I guess that’s okAY. Is it just yoU, Baru-kun? Where’s the rest of Trickstar?”

Subaru: "Oops! Maybe they’re still changing in the stage wings? No good, I’ve got to let go of the habit of charging ahead on my own!

But, but! I’m just so happy to wear this Star Spirit Festival costume Anzu made! I wanna show off to everyone!

Look, look! PLE-IA-DES~☆ (mysterious pose)

By the way, Pleiades is Subaru in Japanese! It’s my name~ Dad told me that long ago!

So it’s my most favorite star even now!☆"

Natsume: “…Uh-huh, don’t tell me that pose is supposed to be you forming the alphabet P with your whole bodY?”

Subaru: “Yup! Natsume, you take L, okay? Let’s all do PLEIADES♪”

Natsume: “There are eight characteRS, so we don’t have enough peoplE. Well, we can do it if the little kitten would go on stage tOO?”

Tsumugi: “Ahaha. Look, Anzu-chan is frantically trying to tell us ‘Please spare me!’~♪”

Subaru: “Anzu was buried in work for the whole Star Spirit Festival prep, so she’s really tired right now… Just spare her, okay Natsume?”

Natsume: “Speaking of tirED, that should apply to you guys as weLL. You had to deal with a different job today tOO; are you okAY? Don’t pass out in the middle of the shOW, okaY?”

Subaru: “We’re fine! In fact, I’ve been gossiped to be growing more and more energetic lately! I love summer~☆”

Natsume: "…The others seem to be having trouble changiNG, so you should go and help thEM, Senpai.

If the little kitten is in charge of Trickstar’s costumES, then you’re in charge of that for Switch, righT?"

Subaru: “Ah, stop ignoring me? That makes me the saddest!”

Natsume: "Ahaha. You really are like the stAR.

Without someone to find yOU, to take notice of yOU… it must feel hollow to shine however brigHT."

)Naming a Star / 10


Subaru: "Everyone~! Thanks for gathering to see us today!

I see you’re all smiling! You’re shining like the stars! Let’s sparkle much, much more together! ☆"


Hokuto: "As announced, the Star Spirit Festival is an event where you may stargaze while enjoying an idol live show.

I hope you’ll relax and enjoy both to the fullest."


Mao: "We’ll darken the venue just a little so the starlight will be easier to see, so be extra careful with where you’re stepping, yeah?

For dads and moms watching with children, please hold hands with the children to make sure you don’t get separated."

Subaru: "Today, we’re performing this live with Switch, led by Natsume… This! This guy!

He developed lightsticks that won’t interfere with the starlight!


But when it’s too bright on the earth, the stars will be hard to see, so try to keep the luminance of the lightstick moderate and stick to stargazing, if you can!

Don’t worry, we can see your smiles from here!

Even without waving the lightsticks— Even if your hands are full and you can’t clap them together—

All of your sparkling feelings and laughs still reach us!"


Makoto: "The starmap distributed along the lightstick was put together using Sakasaki-kun’s knowledge about stars and my research on the internet!

You can hold it up and look at the sky through it; it’ll tell you the constellation names!

We guarantee today’s the best day to see the Pleiades star cluster!

_This is a strategy to make an encampment with the best view of it, so you’ll look at us on the way maybe_♪"

Hokuto: "Constantly looking up at the sky will probably tire your neck, so lower your gaze every once in a while and look at us too. …Anyway, we’re going to start.

Us atop the stage, and the beautiful night spectacle— This is a performance of miracle, where you can enjoy the stars of the earth and the space at the same time! It’s the Star Spirit Festival; we hope you enjoy it!


Tsumugi: (Ooh… They are acting according to the program, but Trickstar still take all the attention.

Their lines flow and connect so well, leaving no room to be interrupted.


I’ve worked with Trickstar a few times before…

But did they always have themselves together that well? I think they used to be much more unstable.

Steeling themselves for SS, they used even their defeats and failures as nourishment… And now they can shine so much stronger and prettier.

The young kids really do grow at great speed. But we won’t lose out either.)


"…Natsume-kun. You’re spacing out; are you okay? You must be tired, since you’ve been having TV work everyday.

If you’re not doing very well, you can take breaks once in a while and leave it to us."

Natsume: "…You’re just Senpai; cheeky of you to worry about mE.

I’m just a little movED, since we haven’t had a live show of this scale for a whilE. HonestLY, I can’t stop being surprised at how immature I aM.

But I’m no amateuR; I’ll switch gears and do my worK.

So instead of being considerate where you don’t have tO, just focus on not tripping up until the end this tiME, Senpai."

Tsumugi: "I’m not that much of a bumbling character~ I’ll see the stage perfectly through the end. Do not make fun of your senpai.

But really, it’s been a while since we’ve had a live show of this scale…

Well, it is still a slack plan, and it’s smaller than anything fine had during peak.

But we Switch have been mostly holding live shows secretly in the outskirts."

Sora: "HaHa~♪ Sora is happy! Everyone’s happiness is overlapping into a beautiful color~

Like a true starry sky! Twinkle, twinkle, little stars~ [2]…☆"

Natsume: "Ahaha. Sora’s frolickiNG. …I feel sorry, for burying your talent out of my own selfishneSS.

But complying to the student council and taking side with the DreamFest system was also an irritating thought on its oWN.

The criticism toward the Five Oddballs and the bad reputation following their names are still rooted deeplY, for they’re now known to have made a mess out of Yumenosaki.

I was scarED, that you two would be scoffed at because of mE.

Looking at how all of my nii-sans are making appearances in the opEN, I do think I may be overthinking thinGS.

I lost everything onCE. So I thought I mustn’t lose anything the second timE."

Sora: “Shisho, Sora won’t vanish anywhere~ So it’s okay!”

Natsume: "YeS. And it’s about time for us to appear in the opEN. All this timE, I thought I was waiting for the ideal chanCE, when I’d actually hidden away out of feAR.

PluS, many of the fallen seeds of dreams that we were supposed to pick up and gather were rolling behind the stagE. But welL, we’ve picked up enouGH.

That’s why this timE, I asked the little kitten to make this Star Spirit Festival we’re participating into an official DreamFest.

No – I made it a condition for us to joIN.

I see the student council president, who’s probably wanted us to participate in an official DreamFest, approved it in a beat, like he was waiting the whole timE.

Aah, just imagining the happy look on his face makes me want to vomIT."

Tsumugi: "Ahaha. Eichi-kun has been very expressive lately~

He’s walking towards a good direction; he used to look constantly cornered and pressed for time."

Natsume: “And he’s just sitting pretty nOW. Aah, so detestabLE.”

)Naming a Star / 11

Natsume: "Either wAY, from my observatiOn, the student council president’s love for idols is undoubtedly the real thiNG.

I hate being put under his protectiON,

but official DreamFests should have strict securiTY, so there’s less danger of weird fans mingling among the audienCE.

We are protecteD, in many meaninGS. We should be able to hold a fun live shoW, without exposing our good-hearted fans, who are the majority, to an unpleasant experienCE."

Tsumugi: “Ah… There’s more chance of incidents with unofficial underground shows, huh.”

Natsume: "YeaH, and we hold all the responsibilitY, so any damage will be entirely on uS.

If it’s an official DreamFest, then in the worst case of anything happeniNG, Yumenosaki Academy will be our shield and take the responsibiliTY.

We can carry out with anything we waNT, all we waNT, from a safe positiON.

And we’ll be rewarded appropriate to our effoRTS. It’s a well-made systeM; let’s make the most out of the benefits as Yumenosaki studenTS.

The student councIL, and fine… have hurt my precious nii-sans.

I personally will never forgive thEM, but I’m grateful for the current situation as a Switch membER.

I thought it was strangE, that my nii-sans almost never show any opposition or anger towards the student counciL.

But, we didn’t experience that massacre for nothiNG. There was meaning in that defeaT.

That’s why they cut off the chains of hatrED… and went to look for their own happiness in this changed worlD, huH.


AgaiN, I end up getting left behind because I was sloW.

But it shouldn’t be too laTE, so I think I’ll try running after them with all my miGHT.

After my beloved nii-saNS, of the Five Oddballs.

I’m still immature compared to thEM, and perhaps I’m just a normal child with none of their talenT.

But that doesn’t meaN… that I’m forbidden from admiring them and wanting to get closER.

Even if I’m still lackiNG, I’ll give my best efforts and become just like thEM.

Then I’ll be one of Yumenosaki’s five unparalleled in the truest sensE… blossoming in my full glory as one of the Five Oddballs.

If I’m one of the Five Oddballs! There’s no way I can’t become both a ‘fortune-teller’ and an ‘idol’ at the same timE!

I’ll fit both those dreams in my hanDS, and make them shine more beautifully than anyonE!

Whatever the dreAM! The Five Oddballs can grant it like child’s plAY! BrilliantlY…!

Seeing uS, many will wish that they can become like uS.

It may be a pipe dreaM, a fancy ideAL, and not at all true to realiTY.

But I shall personify that Five Oddball’s original way of beiNG, exactly as it was passed on at the beginninG.

I am Sakasaki Natsume of the Five Oddballs. A magician and a fortune-teller. The youngest paragon, who will continue on the Five Oddballs' stopped dream.

Look! Rei-nii-san! Shuu-nii-san! Kanata-nii-san! Wataru-nii-san!

I survived because you protected me! And I'll hold up the dream called the 'Five Oddballs' to the sky!

I'll make it shine like the stars in the night sky!

Look at me! All my nii-sans...!"

Tsumugi: “Ahaha. When you shout at the night sky like that, it’s as if the other Five Oddballs are really dead~♪”

Natsume: “…Stop making unpleasant statements like you’ve been aiming for iT, and focus on singing and dancing insteAD, okay Senpai? Or do you need a puncH?”

Tsumugi: "Yes, yes. Sora-kun, you also have to work hard on not working too hard. You still seem to not be able to pace yourself well…

You’ll be too tired for the latter half if you frolic so much."

Sora: “<HuHu~♪> Senpai says difficult things, but understood! Sora will do as Shisho and Senpai say!”

(<HeHe~> Thank goodness… It’s all still so hard and perplexing to Sora,

But Shisho and Senpai have somehow returned to the ‘color’ Sora is used to seeing.

Sora likes that ‘color’! The ‘color’ of Yumenosaki was the ‘color’ of everything burned to ashes, but then they lit up a pretty and gentle light!

It burned up like flames inside the ashes! It was so beautiful that Sora wanted to take a better look!

So after finding it, Sora drew closer, curious… when they held Sora’s hands and let him in.

That’s how Sora became Switch.


Sora gets asked often: ‘Why?’ But Sora isn’t sure how to answer that~

Because it isn’t ‘Why?’ at all that Sora is with Senpai and Shisho!

It’s because Sora met them! And came to like them! Does there need to be any other reason?

When you see a bright star in the night sky, you’ll reach out your hand because it’s pretty! Why would there be a ‘why?’ to that~?)



> Rooftop


Hajime: "Everyone, thank you for your hard work today~♪

We’ve prepared a humble afterparty for all of you! Please drink and eat all you want and have fun~♪

Ehehe. Anzu-san was the one who set up an afterparty, but I asked to help out with the preparation too.

And it’s counted as an on-campus part-time, so I received proper payment.

Ra*bits have been getting more work lately, but since we don’t have much budget, we’ve been troubled by our inability to prepare a costume…

So I’m very thankful to receive a profitable job.

We’ve prepared a lot of food, so please eat to your fill~♪

Apparently, since we’re holding it on the school rooftop, there’s no location cost and we got to use all the budget on the food!

Anzu-san, that’s brilliant…! I’m in awe~♪"

Mao: "Ahaha. But I heard you forgot about any plan of an afterparty until the Star Spirit Festival actually started…

So you looked for a restaurant in a hurry but they’re all booked, and you just settled with here since it’s all that’s left.

I’m impressed at your growth, since you can now cover for your mistakes with quick wits.

But part of me wishes you’d still fail more and come running to me saying ‘Help!’"


Makoto: "Ahaha. It isn’t good to wish for people to fail… that’s vulgar.

Anzu-chan is doing her everything to cope with the unexpected so you won’t work yourself too hard, Isara-kun."

Mao: "That’s what I find lonely, though~…

Well, that’s okay. I prefer this kind of spot to those uptight restaurants.

Guys, great work today. We got things so heated in the Star Spirit Festival, didn’t we~…

Feels like the stuco’s gonna doubt me for being biased, even if I just report our success as is."

Subaru: "Yup, yup, look at how we’ve grown! We’re getting more and more sparkly by day~ including you too, Anzu!

Yo, the genius Producer we pride on…☆"


Hokuto: "Stop that, Akehoshi. For some reason, the more you praise Anzu, the more she looks to be dying from mortification.

We, and Anzu, can’t be satisfied with this level of growth. Never be too proud of your success – that’s what grandma said.

But I’m happy that things carried out ideally from start to end this time around.

Let’s head for SS at full speed in this state."

Subaru: "Yup, yup! So to psych ourselves for it – let’s make a toast~!

Shinonon, this tea is so delicious! More please♪"

Hajime: “Comi~ng. But Akehoshi-senpai, please stop hugging me everytime… It’s hard to move, and I can’t pour the tea.”

Subaru: “Allow me to explain! I am the type of Akehoshi Subaru that recharges his battery by flirting with Shinonon!☆”

Hajime: "Auu~… Ritsu-senpai, from my Tea Club, also said something similar and clung to me all the time.

It isn’t that I dislike it, but please notice that I’m not a hugging pillow?"

Subaru: “Eh~? Wait, Sally! Train your childhood friend better! This here’s my Shinonon, okay~?”

Mao: "Not sure why you’re saying that to me. That guy’s hugging habit’s not gonna heal for life at this point.

I am aware that I probably spoiled him too much. I’ll have to learn to scold him where it’s due."

Tsumugi: “Fufu. They’re all so energetic~ It must be nice to be young… I can barely move so soon after a job.”


Natsume: "It was a big scale live show unusual for Switch. But I plan for us to participate in more official DreamFests from now oN, so you’ll have to get used to it faST.

We’ll need to work on building our staminA. Look, Sora’s deep into slumbER, having used up all of his energY."


Sora: “Zzz, zzz…♪”

Tsumugi: “Wah, so cutee… He’s cuddling up to Natsume-kun and sleeping.”

Natsume: "Senpai, you gave Sora a doll made to resemble mE, didn’t yOU.

He seems to have made a routine out of hugging it to sleep latelY, so he fell fast asleep on reflex when he clung to mE."

Tsumugi: "Oh… But isn’t it okay? Children who sleep lots grow lots.

So do children who eat lots. Look, look, Natsume-kun! Here comes a feast! Aa~n…♪"

Natsume: “You’re being clinGY. …Well, good if you’re having fuN. So I don’t suppose you want to throw everything away and disappear anymorE?”

Tsumugi: “Of course. Natsume-kun, you also won’t talk about wanting to put your idol work on hiatus anymore… You’ll stay by our side from hereon, right?”

Natsume: "YeaH. Mommy just contacted mE, saying she’ll be making a comeback as a fortune-tellER.

For some reasoN, I’m under the impression mommy was testing mE, to see how I’d deal with thiS.

I got a text from heR… saying I should work with all I have for the future I chosE.

The text came todaY, but the date it’s said to be written was long befoRE.

Mommy seems to have read this conclusion aheAD. I suppose I still can’t surpass her as a fortune-teller that predicts the futurE…

On top of my immaturity as an idol toO, of courSE.

So Senpai, in order for me to shine stronger and prettier than I am nOW… lend me your powER, okaY? Fine with me if you don’t want tO, thoUGH."

Tsumugi: "Of course I want to. I’m not a fortune-teller like you, but I can tell—

That our future shines like this starry night sky.

I believe it does. See, Natsume-kun; it’s so pretty, isn’t it…♪"

Natsume: “YeS, the thing we threw to the flames and burned up that dAY… it soared up to the night sky to become one with the twinkling staRS, didn’t iT?”

  1. Sensee = sensei = teacher. A little note for people who may not know, Sora pronounces sensei and shishou in a childish way; using hiragana (as opposed to kanji) and drawing out the last syllables instead of properly pronouncing the ‘i’ and ‘u’.

  2. Sora isn’t actually saying twinkle twinkle little star (or its JP equivalent), but “O-hoshi-sama~ Kira-kira~” which is presumably from the traditional Tanabata song (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanabata). I put what English speakers may be more familiar with.